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Loving Yourself Fiercely


Creating the Life You Want to Live


  • Are you feeling unfulfilled or frustrated in your career, your relationships, or any other parts of your life? Is there a feeling of something missing, but you can’t put your finger on it?

  • Do you struggle with self-doubt, high levels of stress, not enough time, or sleepless nights?

  • Have you been experiencing a lack of energy, joy or motivation for no apparent reason?

Time to get unstuck and manifest your desires into reality! In Creating the Life You Want To Live you will...


  • Discover the qualities you want to create for your life that bring about contentment and calm, and learn how to bring them into the NOW!

  • Learn techniques to quiet the ‘monkey chatter’ in your mind so you may learn how to live in the present moment and create a more purposeful life based on creating the life you want to live!

  • Develop specific ways to create positive habit change and identify the steps you need to take through individualized action activities and soulwork so you can live your dream!

This personalized one-on-one program provides you with 12 weekly 1-hour coaching sessions, curated
resources, weekly action activities and soulwork, and email support as needed.

Whether it is a career change, creating healthy and happy relationships, developing a healthier lifestyle,
writing the novel you’ve always dreamed of, traveling the world, creating a spiritual practice, or just
bringing a sense of purpose and calm to your life, working with a Life and Health coach can help you
bring your big dreams to reality.

Contact Me Now for your free consultation!

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